Monday, January 1, 2018

We are having a photo challenge on the face book page.  People have the month of January to submit pictures of these things.  

1. An old red barn
2. A train depot. Here is a list of the depots in Georgia...
3. A Coke related picture (that's the soft drink!)
4. A picture taken at one of Georgia's 7 Natural Wonders…/2013-11-15/georgias-7-natural-wonders
5. A cemetery or tombstone with a story. You must give the name of the cemetery and if it's a tombstone, it must be readable or you can type the inscription with the picture.
6. A picture of something on the National Historic Register in the county where you reside but not a courthouse.
7. Something historic related to Martin Luther King.
8. A picture of something old or historic from a state or national park
9. A church BUILT before 1870. You must give the name of the church.
10. A rusty water tower.

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