Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The William Asbury Wilson House - Fairburn Rd. Fulton County GA

The William Asbury Wilson House - Fairburn Rd. Fulton Co. - Built in 1856-1859 - Picture taken in 2005 The Wilson Plantation was a 1200 acre plantation that was built by slaves from 1856-1859. It was constructed using a method unheard of for it's time. The walls were made using forms and then stone and mortar were poured into the forms, very similar to the way concrete walls are made today. William Asbury Wilson served in the Confederate Army during The War Between the States.... After that he was a Fulton County Judge, Fulton County Sheriff, and a State Representative in the Georgia Assembly. The home was occupied by Sherman and his army during The Battle of Atlanta. The view in this picture is of the back of the house. The front originally had a 2 story front portico with 4 square columns but was removed in the 1960's and an addition built in it's place. Ok, now that I've given the facts I must say, this one REALLY irks me. This house is at the very least a State landmark, if not a national landmark. When I took this picture the house was owned by a hospital just up the road, there was constant talk of restoring it. Well in 2009 the hospital went out of business and another company bought the property, which consists of about 300 acres and includes the hospital and the house. This company also talked about restoring it but nothing has happened and now the house is almost completely gone. Large portions of walls have collapsed. I'm really upset that the county or one of the county or state preservation societies did not step in to assist with the restoration, or offer to purchase the house, or even found a way to stabilize the house so no further damage would have been done. Even a simple tarp over the roof could have prevented it from collapsing.
Jason Evers

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