Friday, August 5, 2016

The J.L. Hand House in Pelham GA

This is a photo I took of The J.L. Hand House in Pelham, GA in the Fall of 1971, just a few months before it was demolished.
Lee Willis

1 comment:

  1. Back in the early 1970s, many people attempted to convince the powers that be in Pelham to preserve this wonderful old house, but they refused to listen. It was demolished and a bank that could have been constructed just about anywhere was built on the site. A couple of years ago, the city had a mural painted of the old house to attract visitors. People aren't going to drive out of their way to see a mural, but think of how many would have made a special trip to Pelham to tour that wonderful old house. People are much too quick to destroy history in the name of progress and it isn't until later they realize what a mistake they made.
