Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Historic Huff House on Selvidge Street in Dalton

Built around 1855, this gothic/folk styled home originally faced the railroad tracks. The Great Locomotive Chase passed this home as it made its way through Dalton. In the winter of 1863-1864, General Joseph E. Johnston, commander of the Army of Tennessee, located his headquarters here, while reorganizing the 40,000 Confederate Troops that were wintering in the Dalton area.
It was also in the di...ning room of the house that General Patrick Cleburne proposed to arm slaves due to the shortage of Confederate manpower. This did not occur until later in the war.
In 1890, Lila Huff bought the house. Soon the house was turned to face Selvidge Street like the other newer homes. This was accomplished by placing the house on a log turnstile pulled by mules. The family continued to live in the house during this turning that took two weeks.
The site is beautifully maintained by the Whitfield- Murray Historical Society and is often open for tours. Every spring the society sponsors a community event and festival called "Huffabaloo."
More pictures of markers in the comments.
Valerie Hegwood

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