Sunday, October 29, 2017

Shingle House in Cherokee County

This is the last remaining building from the Creighton/Franklin Gold Mine Complex, which was the most significant gold mine in the County. Gold was mined from this site for approximately 70 years, from the 1830s to around 1907. In 1896 the complex included a complete mining plant with large stamp mill, a chlorination plant, assay laboratory, blacksmith shop, stables, miners' cottages and a dam with 2 large turbines to generate power for the si...te. The "Shingle House" was built during the 1880s and since then it has been used as a commissary, offices, post office, boarding house, and a small stamp mill where local residents could sell gold ore. The building has been empty for many years and recently been used to store hay. The threat for this building is neglect and possible development for the site.
Lisa Danley Waller‎

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