Monday, August 12, 2019

Casulon Plantation House

Part of the standing ruins of the Casulon Plantation House located in Walton County.
Dawn Skorcik
"Casulon Plantation, Walton/Morgan County, Georgia, built in 1824 by James W. Harris, son of Revolutionary War hero, John Harris, who fought in the battle of Kettle Creek, Wlkes County, Georgia.
This was a large cotton plantation of 10,000 acres and over 100 slaves. The estate has a long history, including the extravagant wedding of Harris's daughter to the Georgia Governor, James S. Boyton. The house stayed in the family until the 1940s when it was left abandoned. In the 1970s Morgan County Historical Society bought the property and rented it to a group of hippies who gave tours of the home.
In the 1980s the home was restored and used as a bed and breakfast and the sight of civil War re-enactments. In the 1990s Davidson Mining Company wanted the mineral rights to he property but the owners were unwilling to sell. On March 2002, while the owners were out of town, a suspicious fire was set at the back door, completely engulfing the home."
(Historical information obtained from

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