Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Mt. Pleasant House in Newton County

Located about halfway between Covington and Social Circle. Established by Solomon Graves, Circa. 1819, the house in it's present form has stood since the 1830s. Graves' son Iverson Graves was one of the original board members and benefactors of Emory University. The house remained in the Graves Family for over 140 years. The property was purchased in 1972 by Oby and Ann Brewer. In recent years, Ann, a native of Philadelphia, would open the house to visitors several times a year. Ann was a prominent fundraiser for the CF Foundation and helped strengthen the organic farming movement in Georgia. I visited with my groups many times. Ann would regale visitors with tales of the house's history, with some details about her own life and contributions to the house. At one time, it was an over-8000 acre cotton plantation; but the property is barely 25 acres today. Mrs. Brewer passed away in 2015.
Kevin Burnup

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