Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Gholston Stand Store in Paoli

 Near Comer, is a crossroads once known as Gholston’s Stand (now popularly referred to as Paoli Junction, after a modern-day convenience store). Local resident Ted Smith – says that, according to local family tradition, “the name comes from a skirmish between members of the Gholston family, plus some neighbors, and a band of Creek warriors in the late 1780s.”
Several Creeks were killed and buried in unmarked graves near the spot of Gholston’s Stand, “Of course, the story about the skirmish might be just a tall tale, and the name may have just come from a produce stand, but who knows,”
Information from http://trailofthetrail.blogspot.com/2011/01/oral-traditions-gholstons-stand.html
Paul Bridges

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