Saturday, February 29, 2020

Clem United Methodist

It's not known when Clem United Methodist Church in Carroll County was established as it's not in the history. It is known that the first service was under a brush arbor on Oak Mountain and the first pastor was W.L. Davenport. After a few years his congregation disbanded and he moved it to the tiny village of Clem and re-organized the church. The first church was built but destroyed before it was completed when three tornadoes in a month came thru. They had few funds to rebuild so they tryed to rebuild using as much of the structure as they could. When completed the building would sway in the wind and soon people would not come to services as they thought it was unsafe. They then tore the church down saving as much material as they could and started over. This building was completed in 1897. The building was remodeled in the late 1950s when Sunday School rooms, a front vestibule, and brick and concrete steps were added. Later an awning and top to the steeple were added. The church had always had a small but dedicated membership but over the years they aged and passed and the younger people left the community or moved on and the church is no longer active.
Andy Sarge

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