Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sandy Cross Methodist Church in Taliaferro County

 Itwas established in 1891 by local preacher H.M. Harrison. The original name was Mizpah and was changed to Sandy Cross in 1939. Located in an out of the way section of the county, it was formed by families who worshipped together in their homes or under a shady tree on the property of Mr. G.E. Rhodes. When the church was established, a lot was donated by Mr T.J. Rhodes. The church was constructed shortly after using mostly donated materials. The original sill were hand hewn logs that came from an old cotton gin. The last charter member passed in 1954. The church is still active althought the structure has been renovated and updated.
Andy Sarge

1 comment:

  1. Andy could you tell me if the painting of the church inside is for sale i was saved in this church when i was a little girl and would love to buy it . thank you Mary email gaapple
