Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mount Pleasant Methodist Church

It was founded around 1813 by a Georgia Refugee named Uncle Robert Smith who had migrated into what is now Oglethorpe County around in the 1780s. He built a brush arbor that served as a meeting place until a log meeting house was built in 1820 that was located behind the current structure and then he founded the first Methodist society in the county. In 1844 a small frame building was erected in front of the current structure and the log house became the Sunday School. In 1873 the sanctuary was expanded and glass windows added but before long it was felt a new building would have been a better option. The current sanctuary was constructed in 1896. Over the years it has been expanded and modernized. The church is still active today but at some point recently it left the Methodist Conference and is now known as Mt Pleasant Community Church.
Andy Sarge

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