Saturday, May 16, 2020

Rock Methodist Church in Wilkes County

Historical Marker Inscription: Rock Methodist Church was instituted about 3 miles from here in 1839. The present building was erected in 1870. Charter members were: Tom and Lizzie Willis; John and Mary E. Mattox; John P., Martha, and Mrs. T. C. Latimer; Luke Turner, Sr., Wm and Mary Turner; Ivey Barrett; B.W. Tuck; Richmond and Olive Bryant; Miles G. and Rebecca Dorough; Terry P., Wm. and Caroline Sherrer; W. R., Martha and John Perteet; Mary Gresham; Jane Staple; Sara F. Wynne; Simeon C. and Sara F. Arnold; Betty Strozier. Descendants of the Latimer, Turner, Bryant, Wynne and Mattox families are present members.
Paul Bridges

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