Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Plainview School in Franklin County

It is not really forgotten. It is maintained by the Franklin County Historical Society.
Randy Clegg

Plainview, GA (Franklin County). Copyright 2007 D. Nelson
I am not sure when this old rural school house was constructed but my guess is around 1900. A photo exists of pupils standing in front of it that is dated 1909. In 1923, the School Superintendent J.W. Landrum compiled a list of 34 Franklin County schools and noted that Plainview School is fairly well lighted and has 99 pupils (there are quite a few comments on the state of lighting, probably the result of new State Board of Health regulations regarding lighting in schools.)
Another survey taken in 1934 showed that in just 10 years, the number of schools in Franklin County had dropped from 34 to 21, a result of the hardships of the Great Depression that decreased the funding of schools. In the 1940s and 1950s, education gained in importance again and the school system was much improved. This old school house was eventually closed and used as a community center for a while. It is now abandoned.https://www.flickr.com/photos/milkaway/1315306849/

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