Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Bowman-Pirkle House

The Bowman-Pirkle House was originally built around 1818 in Hall County on land that is now in the middle of Friendship Road. It was built by John Bowman with the help of Cherokee Indians on land given him by a Cherokee named Major Ridge. Mr. Bowman had the respect of the Cherokee and was helping them assimilate into the white man's world. Not long after, the Cherokee were forced out and Mr. Bowman continued to live there. In 1977 his Great Grandson donated the house to Gwinnet County who moved it to the Lanier Museum of Natural History, Later still, it was moved to it's current location on private property.
Even though it's listed on the National Register of Historic Places for Hall County, it is in Gwinnett County.
Andy Sarge

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