Saturday, April 4, 2020

Rock Spring United Methodist Church

 It was established prior to 1839 at a place called Rock Spring Methodist Episcopal Campground in Walker County. . At this time, they only met once or twice a year. In 1839 a group of men and women met and decided to build a church. Five acres of land was donated by a Mr. Satterfield to build a log church which was completed in the same year. In 1845 the region suffered from a bad drought and people held a meeting to pray for rain. One of the oldest and most committed members, William Conley, also known as Uncle Billy was called on to lead a prayer. The legend has it that his prayer was so powerful that a small cloud appeared in the west and grew and grew into a powerful storm with lots of rain that came and save the crops. In the late 1850s, the log church was replaced with a white frame church. This church survived the Civil War and thrived and grew until a new church was needed. The current structure you see here was built in 1907. Since then they have added other buildings but they still hold services at times in the old church.
Andy Sarge

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